Youth Ministry

2515 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825

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Crusaders for Christ

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good, pleasing, and perfect.”

– Romans 12:2

group of people holding hands while watching performance

Mission Statement

Our Mission is that Powerhouse Youth Ministry will help their youth grow spiritually, socially, and intrapersonally by sharing with them the living word of God and providing opportunities to put the word of God into practice. Through the development of Godly friendships, demonstrating the love of God through community outreach and support, and being purposeful to journey on the path of self-discovery, Powerhouse youth will be empowered to let their light shine before men.


To equip youth with the knowledge and understanding of who they are in Christ as citizens of the Kingdom of God as they develop a personal relationship with God, through relevant teaching and practical application of his word.

Youth Ministry

Johanne Johnson

Youth Ministry

Hello! My name is Johanne Johnson. It is a great honor to serve in the youth ministry. I have been leading the youth for a year and a half. I have three sons in the youth ministry who are a great help. I am getting my bachelor’s in student ministry at Epic Bible College. When I’m not doing homework, I enjoy reading, hiking, and adventuring.


Ministry Information

Meets Wednesday at 5:00pm in the sanctuary.

Contact Us: (916) 482-6774

Every Sunday

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2515 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825


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